“Is coffee good for health?” – the debate on whether coffee is actually healthy has been in discussion for many years. While early studies showed that coffee poses potential health risks, recent studies have proven otherwise. Some even say that coffee is the secret to a healthy life. But, in moderation.
Over 2 billion cups of coffee are consumed daily worldwide. And Canada ranks no.10 in the world in coffee consumption. Hence, this is good news for the coffee lovers out there!
How much is moderate? A moderate amount of coffee is defined as 3-5 cups a day, or on average 400mg of caffeine.
So why the contrary? Notice that “moderation” is the keyword here. There is no doubt that excessive coffee intake adversely impacts one’s health condition. There are also other factors that could contribute to bad health of heavy coffee drinkers, such as smoking tobacco or being inactive.
Taking these into account, researchers found that drinking coffee in moderation can in fact bring many health benefits. Let’s talk about them in detail here.
Is coffee good for health? Study says yes:
Boosts energy, memory and mood
Many people rely on coffee to kickstart their day for maximum productivity. A low to moderate amount of caffeine can boost energy levels, alertness, and concentration. This is especially beneficial for those working in front of a computer. Learn more about why companies should provide coffee in the workplace.
Coffee contains antioxidants that can help reduce stress, hence acting as an antidepressant. Study showed that those who drink coffee are 10% less likely to feel depressed than those who don’t. Coffee is also associated with a lower risk of suicide.
Reduces risks of Type 2 Diabetes
Coffee helps to reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes. Study showed that there is an inverse correlation between coffee consumption and risk of diabetes. Those who drink 6 cups of coffee/day have 33% lower risk of type 2 diabetes, as compared to those who drink none.
The polyphenols contained in coffee can increase insulin activity and glucose metabolism. These can positively help to regulate blood sugar levels in the body.
Improves bowel movement
You wake up in the morning, drink a cup of coffee and go to work. While you turn on your laptop, suddenly you feel a strong urge to head to the washroom. Yes, that cup of coffee may be the cause of it!
While there is no clear evidence whether coffee is good for digestion, it does have an impact on the digestive system. Improved bowel movement is one great effect of coffee. Coffee helps to stimulate the urge to poop – 60% more effective than water! This certainly helps those who are facing problems with constipation.
Because of this, coffee may also help with weight loss. People who drink 1-2 cups of coffee per day are 17% more likely to meet the required physical activity levels for weight loss, as opposed to those who drink less than 1 cup. Nonetheless, we should not treat coffee as a substitute for balanced diet and physical exercise.
Prevents Parkinson’s disease
Parkinson’s disease is a neurological disorder related to the death of certain brain cells. Some symptoms include slowness in movement, coordination, strength, and ability to speak. Although caffeine cannot act as a medication to treat Parkinson’s disease, it can be a preventative measure.
According to several studies, there is a 25% lower risk of developing Parkinson’s disease with higher intakes of caffeinated coffee. Coffee is also associated with a reduced risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and cognitive decline.
Good for heart and liver
A study showed that drinking moderate amount of coffee (3-5 cups per day) leads to a lower risk of cardiovascular diseases, such as stroke and heart failure.
Besides, coffee supports liver health. Researchers found that coffee can protect against scarring of the liver. It can also reduce the likelihood of developing liver cancer by 25-50%.
The bottom line
Although there are still misconceptions about the effects of coffee on health, many studies in recent years have shown that coffee brings many benefits to our health.
However, just like any diet, we should drink coffee in moderation. Some individuals should limit their coffee consumption. They include pregnant women, children, and those with certain health complications.
Nevertheless, moderate amount of coffee per day is safe for most adults. Cut down on sugar if you can, so you can be assured to enjoy this beverage, along with the health benefits it brings!